Ways to Jumpstart Your Diet

Are you looking to jumpstart your diet but not sure how to do it? One of the first things I do prior to starting any new eating plan is eliminate the foods that I typically crave. I will go through my cabinets and empty them out with any food that is not going to be on my diet plan. I want to eliminate any food that may trigger me when I start my new diet. I then fill my cabinets with foods that I will need to be successful with my new diet plan.

You can also eliminate refined white flour and white sugar from your diet and replace them with “good carbs” from vegetables, beans and other legumes. Eating good carbs are nutrient-dense, high in fiber, and unlike refined starches and sugars, will help stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full longer.

Another way to jumpstart your diet is to start exercise regularly. Schedule at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week alternating with either cardiovascular or core-strengthening  exercise. By doing this it revs up your metabolism which not only aids in losing weight faster but also will tone and strengthen your body and beats stress as well.

Idenifying bad habits and changing them is also a great thing to do when your trying to jumpstart your weight loss. Think of the bigger picture and assess different things that may be sabatoging your efforts. Lack of sleep is usually a big one. If your chronically sleep deprived then it could start to affecting the scale as studies have shown that it interferes with your metabolism and in fact can cause weight gain. Stress is another factor that should be dealt with as it can often lead to mindless eating. Try taking yoga or learn meditation to beat the stress.

For more tips like these visit my website at http://www.facebook.com/sandivw


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