Things You Can Do to Slim Down Every Day

Sometimes there are every day things that we do or can do to help up lose a little weight on top of what we might already be doing with our eating and exercising.  These simple, small changes will help get you in shape:

-walk to things that may be close by instead of driving. Adding at least one mile of walking to your day  helps strengthen your legs and cardiovascular system.

-replace high-calorie juices in your diet . Fill a large bottle with water and add mint leaves , a few lime and orange slices and refrigerate overnights. You can add cucumbers, crushed berries or peeled sliced ginger.

– The key to a fit body isn’t when you exercise, but how consistently you do it. You could hit the gym or do an at home workout program every morning and it then soon becomes a part of your routine. Keep yourself on a schedule and keep track in your calendar when your next workout is going to be. This will help keep you accountable.

– take a stand when you can. If you have a job that requires you to sit most of your day then make sure you get up frequently from your desk or cubicle and go for a walk several times throughout the day. Also try standing at an area where you can do your work. This can burn some extra calories while you’re working and standing at the same time. Moving for small periods throughout the day increases your metabolism.  It also boosts circulation and help stretch and strengthen the spinal muscles to prevent back pain.

– find a menu that you can stick to for your lunch or breakfast. Choosing simular foods every day helps you get into a rhythm of making healthy choices and prevents over eating. It’s been shown that if you eat the same lunch for a week you tend to consume 100 fewer calories than usual.

I hope these tips can help you lead a healthier and more fit life. For more tips follow me at

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