Snacking at Work Can Be Hard

healthy office snacks

We all know how hard it can be to eat healthy at work. The constant supply of sugary, trans fat loaded treats sitting on the breakroom table requires too much will power to avoid. Key to a successful day is planning out your food for the day, so by having healthy planned out snacks readily available will keep your mind from wanderimg to the unhealthy snacks you sometimes crave.

Here are some ideas of snacks you can portion up and bring to work:

Fruit or Dried Fruit 

Nuts Protein Bar

Fruit & Nut Bar or Energy BaR



Nut Butters

Veggies Chips 

Trail Mix 

Dark Chocolate Crackers

Here are some high protein snack ideas:

celery and nut butters

Air popped popcorn

Deli roll up-2 slices of low sodium turkey rolled up with 1 slice of cheese

Pumpkin seeds- fall time is coming and we all love having pumpkins around. Make sure you remember to scoop the seeds out and save them to bake in the oven for a snack

Protein shake- these are great to keep on hand as all you usually need is the powder and water. I keep my Shakeology packet in my shaker cup and a bottle of water in the refrigerator at work for those days that I want a shake.

Hummus dippers- place 1/3 of a cup of hummus in the bottoms of a mason jar and stick  handful of cut up veggie sticks (celery, carrots, peppers, snow peas) vertically into the hummus and place the cap on the jar. Your delicious hummus dip is at the bottom awaiting you to dip your veggies in it.

Greek yogurt and granola- use a low fat or non fat version of yogurt and low fat granola

Low fat String Chesse

Tuna and crackers- there are so many single serving cans or packets that you can get from the store that sometimes include the crackers or just pack some wheat thins to go with the tuna.

Homemade protein balls- there is no baking required with this recipe which on,y requires 4 ingredients: 1 1/2 tbsp nut butter, 3 tbsp oats, 1/2 tbsp honey and 1/2 dark chocolate chips. Roll the ingredients after mixing into balls and eat or store them in an airtight container.

Roasted Chickpeas- season the chickpeas with olive oil, salt and cayenne pepper and roast for 20-30 min. Store in a ziplock bag or small container.

I hope some of these ideas you’ll take to work with you and it makes it a little easier to follow your current meal plan. For more tips follow me at

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